Bikes > Rides-n-Routes > My Trips
(Solo + w/ Others)


This file contains a list of various rides and routes that I want to do over the coming years that I have left on this planet. Some of these trips are in the distant future, some are in the near term, and some are active and in various stages of planning.

The fundamental unit of information in this file is a Trip. A Trip will exist in one of the following three stages as it progresses through the trip lifecycle:

  1. Projected: a Trip is projected to happen at some point in the future, either in the near term (e.g this year or next) or in the more-distant future (i.e. some day, maybe).
  2. Planning: a Trip is currently in the active stage of being planned where the route and trip logistics are being defined.
  3. Completed: the Trip is over and the effort has been archived for potential future reference.

Trip Lifecycle

  1. Projected
  2. Planning
  3. Completed

In Progress


Trip Details

This section contains details of all trips, both those that are still in various stages of planning and those that have been completed.

NC Courthouse Tour - 2021
Oct 15-19, 2021

This is one of somewhat-annual NC Courthouse Tours. This year's ride is through eastern North Carolina to close some of the "doughnut holes" that have been created in that part of the state from rides of past years.

ToDo Items:

Here are some initial resources I have accumulated:

AdvCycling Cycle Camping Weekend
Jun 4-6, 2021

This is a trip initiated by Cyndi Steiner. I am mostly following her lead.

ToDo Items:

Here are some initial resources I have accumulated:

Eastern Shore Weekend
May 7-9, 2021

This is a trip initiated by Eric, Cyndi Steiner, and Champ Burnley. I am mostly just tagging along.

ToDo Items:

Here are some initial resources I have accumulated:


Virginia Capital Trail
Oct 22-24, 2018

ToDo Items:

Here are some initial resources I have accumulated:


Here was my exercise on the pros and cons of doing this trip at this particular time:

NYC: Ride up; Amtrak home
Oct 1, 2017 - ongoing

Oct 1, 2017   [from JF, p. 129]

Ride from home to New York City; stay for a few days in a place near East Village not too far from Ronnie; spend my daytimes riding around NYC; take Amtrak (Vermonter) home.

ToDo Items
Oct 1, 2017 - ongoing

  • research overnight options =f(daily route chosen); may try airBnB; also look at hotels

First Pass: Google Maps - Bike
Oct 1, 2017

My first attempt at seeing how far the ride would be from our house to East Village was using the "by bike" option in Google Maps. It returned two options:

  1. 254 mi, ~4,800 ft, 22 hr 58 min // The route is highly suspect since it chose some pretty nasty roads.
  2. 279 mi, ~7,400 ft, 1 day 2 hr // The route looks better but is longer with more climbing.
    • SS → B'more → Torrey Brown → York → Columbia / Wrightsville Bridge → …
    • Day 1: SS → Marietta, PA
    • Day 2: Marietta, PA → Princeton, NJ (?)
    • Day 3: Princeton, NJ (?) → NYC

It is clear that I'm going to have to draw upon other resources to put together a good route, including:
    a)   advice from friends: Eric, Daniel, others
    b)   AdvCycling's Atlantic Coast Route
    c)   East Coast Greenway route

Thoughts on Gear
Oct 1, 2017

The setup will be much like the East Coast River Relay since the trip dynamics are so similar (no camping, small number of riding days, Amtrak segment). Therefore, here is what I was thinking:

  • 2 small Arkel panniers in addition to the Tailrider (1 with a shoulder strap, 1 backpack Arkel)
  • this would be easy (or at least discernable) to load onto the Vermonter
  • probably do laundry in NYC

Harpers Ferry Overnight
Oct 2, 2017

Oct 2, 2017

This is one of the simplest of all overnights where I can get the feeling that I am truly getting away from the DC metropolitan area. It is a 2-day trip with a single overnight: a day ride from home to Harpers Ferry, an overnight in Harpers Ferry, and a ride back the next day.

ToDo Items
Oct 2, 2017 - ongoing

  • Search for overnight accommodations in Harpers Ferry near the river and the trail.
  • Create a RideWithGPS route from home to Harpers Ferry to get a feel for the distance.

Oct 2, 2017 - ongoing

Below are the routes to get from our home in Silver Spring to downtown Harper's Ferry.

xxMon xxDay, xxYear


Oct 9, 2021